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Investing in Art

The global market of art is constantly growing. Collectors, enthusiasts and investors buy as much art as never before. But the question always comes: "Does it make sense to buy art as an investment expecting huge profits in the future?"

The logical answer lies in the core of any business. If you know the market, its peculiarities, trends, laws and traditions, then the chances of your investment to be successful are growing significantly. If not, everything depends on your luck.

Mona Lisa

​75 percent of people buy art for the purpose of collecting but with the view of investment.

But art is special. It belongs to one of the rare products which value is only increasing through time. The quality of expensive wine in the large extent depends on the number of years it was aging. The bad thing is that you can’t drink the wine if you want to sell it in the future.

Here comes another special feature of art. The process of consumption has no time or volume limits. No matter how long and how many people have been enjoying the beauty of the painting, it still remains the same artwork.

75 percent of people buy art for the purpose of collecting but with the view of investment.That is why the most common rule in buying art will sound


Buy the art you like and after a long time of enjoying it you can also be surprised with how much money is placed on your wall.


by Art Siom

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